
  • Your Story

    Kenyan Belle – Blogger

    Ivy Wambui Mabelle is one of the few people I know who’s been to Santorini, Greece. Plus she has a really cool IG name Kenyan__Belle. I ogle over her Instagram for days when she travels and think wow! When I grow up I’ll ask her a few random questions from my head without ever meeting her face to face. Luckily, one of you guys recommended her for a feature and made my dreams come true. Here’s how it went… 1. You are a twenty-something year old, law graduate who occasionally cooks and writes with an amazing fashion sense. Aside from this what’s one more thing would you want people to…

  • Your Story

    10 questions with Tuja May

    We’ve finally finished another journey around the sun and we’re already over a week into the new year let alone another decade! Once I shared Rafael’s story and old friend reached out and offered to give me a tarot reading. I chickened out (of course) because… well… it seemed beyond the scope of what I felt spiritually inclined to (or I just didn’t have enough information about it). Nonetheless, my curiosity was triggered  and here’s what you need to know about tarot reading! Have anything you’d like featured? Drop me an email on I promise I don’t bite. ***   Tell us a little bit about yourself. What’s one…

  • Your Story

    10 questions with RJ Kariuki

    This week I got a chance to send over a few questions to one of my favorite photographers for a feature on Your Story segment. He’s a good friend and all images featured here are owned by him. Do you have a story you would like featured as well or anyone you could recommend? Feel free to drop me an email on 1. Tell us a little bit about yourself. What’s one random fact no one knows about you? My name is RJ Kariuki. I come from a large family of 7 kids, and I am the firstborn. Currently a student at UoN in my final year. I prefer…

  • Random stories,  Short Stories

    Dinner guide feature

    A couple of months ago a friend of mine whatsapped me asking if I’d like to feature on a show. I said why not (because half the time these things don’t materialize) but in this blogging life you just keep the faith. And months later it paid off. I was skeptical when I got the call but after sharing my location and doing my homework we gave it a shot and went for it. (Always share your location when you’re not sure! And it helps to always talk to boda guys around the area they will always validate if where you’re going is a legit place. If they don’t know…

  • Life's snippets

    Kinky hair diaries

    There are various types of hairdressers. The first one is the arrogant one who went to beauty school and is most certainly an entitled millennial who feels she should probably be working at Ashley’s and can’t stand her job. She’s always chewing gum and her attention is always on the tv. When she’s washing your hair she doesn’t care if the water spills on your face or if she’s scrubbed the middle of your head properly. If her phone rings you'll be damned if she ignores it to serve you. She just wants to get through the day and scroll down her instagram with the salon WiFi. If your hair…

  • Short Stories

    When she met him.

      She hugged her feet closer feeling her bum go numb from all the sitting. He was talking about something, something she was supposed to be listening to. It could have been him bragging about how good he was, even though she knew she had felt nothing. Or it could have been his big ideas, which she greatly supported though she never heard him include her in his future. She definitely wasn’t listening. She didn’t even know why she was still here. But he spoke anyway. A misery she had to bear just as she did in bed. One he would never notice until he met his next muse who…

  • Short Stories


    She sat there in nothing more than what she brought into this world. She didn’t want to cry but the tears stung. She wanted to stay but she knew she couldn’t.In as much as her heart refused to believe, her brain always knew she was never welcome. Where would she go from here? Who did she have? Who would she call her own now that everything was falling apart? The evening sun was beaming through the window and all she let it burn her skin. She let it blind her eyes and hoped it took them with it because she didn’t need to see any more of this world. She…

  • Short Stories

    Chronicles of Mafia III

    The finale… As a reader by now you are probably thinking that it can’t get more interesting than that, can it? Stop wasting your time, cause that’s where you go wrong. But I digress, let’s get back to the situation at hand. This lad had hitched a lovely lady somewhere and had managed to keep it a secret for so long. You probably know that the first stage of grief was just about to kick in. For those of you who believe that Kieran cannot be hysteric in any way, you are not mistaken. This gentleman just kept on mesmerising me, at how especially he was taking the passing of…

  • Short Stories

    Chronicles of Mafia II

    Still haven’t read part 1? Click here before you continue…. “I really thought that it would work, that putting myself out there would be the best thing to do, and that Kimberly would forgive me and give me another chance.” Kieran darted a look at me, and returned his gaze on the highway, he was seemingly irked by my confession and he scoffed at me. He proceeded to clear his throat, just like he had done in the coffee shop six months ago before I had my epiphany. I could feel the lecture pitter-patter on his lips, ready to be unleashed. “You don’t have issues Joe, sometimes it works, sometimes…

  • Short Stories

    Chronicles of Mafia

    The quiet little corner in the coffee house was a safe haven for me on the days I needed to stop, breathe and recollect. The smell of freshly brewed coffee, the distant clatter of dishes and the soft hum of music from the speakers was always enough to set a calming mood for me even on my worst of days. Today, however, not even the usual ambiance could calm my jittery nerves. Across me sat Ayana staring me down as I tried my best to avoid eye contact.  The topic of discussion? My apparent mistreatment of her friend, Kimberly. Kieran, sat on my right being a buffer of some sorts.…