
  • Movies

    5 Netflix Series to binge watch while on holiday

    It’s holiday season and you might find yourself having a couple of hours to binge on a show guilt free. Here’s five series to have a look at: 1. The Queen’s Gambit The hype behind this limited series is worth it. It’s about chess but not entirely, it’s more about life’s journey and how we can be the protagonist or antagonists of our stories. I absolutely love that it is based on a book. I should warn you bingeing this one won’t be easy because there’s so much emotion that is evoked in the world of the chess board. Seeing Ms. Harmon from a child with a suicidal mother, to…

  • Movies

    7 Netflix Documentaries to watch

    Today we have so much power at the touch of a button, good and also really bad stuff lies on the internet. It’s therefore up to us to make sure we can establish a balance. Here’s a few potentially life changing documentaries that open up your mind in ways that I believe are positive. 1. The Social Dilemma We all hear the horrors that Artificial Intelligence is taking over the world and before we know it robots will walk the face of the earth and take over everything. The theory here is that Social Media platforms that use AI are already there and the algorithms have a mind of their…

  • Books

    Becoming – Michelle Obama

    For me becoming isn’t about arriving somewhere or achieving a certain aim. I see it instead as forward motion, a means of evolving, a way to reach continuously toward a better self. The journey doesn’t end. I finally finished this book, a whole year into it being gifted to me and the tears, laughter, eye rolls and pleasant surprises have been wonderful, confusing and a major reality check. There are nights I read until 4:00 am in the morning without a hint of sleep, there were times that it was too heavy, the tears wouldn’t stop flowing in how personal Michelle Obama’s story is. I loved this book because it…

  • Movies

    What to Watch: Showmax

    I recently had the chance to get back on showmax, and I am so amazed at the content they have since my last subscription. They are giving Netflix some major competition since they are currently tailor made for Africa and as Africans, we are becoming smart enough to follow platforms that support content by us and balancing out with shows we love internationally. The platform offers a diverse range of movies, series, comedy specials and documentaries and after all my raving on Instagram about how awesome Showmax is here is a list of my favorites and what is on my watch list. Series 1. Love Island I happened to find…

  • Books

    Slay Health – A Guide to Vaginal Health by Lilian Jebet

    Synopsis Few women have the courage to talk about vaginal hygiene like Lilian Jebet does in this book. Talking to girls entering adolescence on what to expect and how to manage the new developments is key in ensuring wholesome growth and development of confident women. Lilian believes that there is everything to be proud of being a woman, and taking control of one’s vaginal health brings a special kind of beauty and esteem. Meeting Lilian and learning she’s authored a book while still in her twenties inspires me. Her book is a guide to vaginal health something I wish I could buy for my teenage self because the information in…

  • Movies

    24 family movies to watch while home

    Staying home doesn’t have to be dull. When everything seems to be out of control, we can only try to stay sane during this sanitizing apocalypse that shall soon pass. Before then, we need to make the most of it. I’ve had the privilege of being locked in with my family. Now that there’s three generations home from my dad and mum, myself a 90’s child, and my siblings born in the 2000’s, picking movies for family movie night can be quite a task. It needs to be fun enough for the kids while interesting enough for the parents. Today, I’ll share some of these that we’ve watched or are…

  • Books,  Reviews

    Small Country – Gael Faye

    On the Saturday Nation of April 18th 2020, the work of Onyango Olual in his article, Morality in art: Just where should artists draw the line? caught my eye where he wrote; Art can teach, warn, instill values, entertain and diffuse tensions, all at the same time… Art is not arbitrary, neither is it time bound Art is holistic and provocative while still reductive and detached. Which is how I felt about Small Country. I came across this read from my book club (joined after one rejection or an unseen request last year, a Direct Message this year and a long-adjective filled email later) that focuses on African Literature, my new…

  • Books,  Reviews

    Letters: Mothers & Daughters

    A few weeks ago, specifically on the 7th of March 2020, I had the pleasure of attending my first book launch, featuring the compiled works of amazing women put together by Susan Wakhungu-Githuku. The launch was an opportunity for families to come together and celebrate the amazing relationship that exists between mothers and daughters. It definitely wasn’t a usual get together, I mean Kenyans love a good party and everyone dressed the part. The theme, Ascot High Tea. The books are a two part series, part one is: A Letter to My Mother from Your Daughter and part two is: A Letter to My Daughter from Your Mother. I’m passionate…

  • Movies,  Thoughts of a 90's child

    Just Mercy

    Last week I had the opportunity to attend a premier of the movie, Just Mercy starring  Michael B Jordan and Jamie Fox. The event was sponsored by MMS Advocates and Corazon Kwamboka, Valentine’s Cake House, Anga Imax Cinemas and Vera Beauty College aimed to create a platform for lawyers and advocates to interact from all over Nairobi. Here’s the trailer to give you an overview of the movie. The movie is based in the United States and hits the nerve on matters race: How being born black in the US has condemned people to being guilty because of their skin color. It is based on a true story of prisoners,…

  • Books,  Reviews

    And Then Life Happens – Auma Obama

    Auma Obama’s memoir is underrated. I don’t think we know what we’re missing by not reading the book. (Okay now I have) I get the feeling that this book gets passed as the book by Obama’s sister and everyone has the vibe that it’ll talk about Obama from cover to cover. The more thrilling part is that Auma let’s you believe it’s a book about her brother. As if to mock you and say, yes this book is everything you imagined it would be. She opens the book with an all about Barry story in full regalia with even the Clintons. You need to be patient enough to know that…