• Food,  Restaurants

    Restaurants serving the best chicken wings in Nairobi

    Chicken wings may on face value seem like they are just skin, bone, and cartilage, with pretty much no meat. But when you stop by a restaurant that does them right, then there is nothing but joy, peace and gladness in these tiny sums of goodness. Here are a few spots that have outdone themselves and you should most definitely visit. Be sure to watch the linked videos to see how the portions are. KFC – Wingman Combo There’s no doubt KFC is first on the list. Their sticky wings are heavenly and the wingman combo at just 490 is all you need for a winging experience! Available at a…

  • Restaurants

    Restaurants serving the best curries in Nairobi

    A curry is a dish with a sauce seasoned with spices, mainly associated with South Asian cuisine. The spices commonly include turmeric, cumin, coriander, ginger, and chili pepper, among others. (Source) Some say a curry is an Indian gravy or sauce that is used in tandem with meat, tofu, or vegetables. It’s served rice, most popularly Basmati rice, and contains many different kinds of spices. Depending on what your recipe calls for, you could have a mild curry or a curry that’s super spicy. (Source) Here are some restaurants in the city that serve amazing curries, please watch the linked videos for a full-on experience. 1. Valley Coffee Shake at Yala Towers…

  • Explore,  Food,  Restaurants

    Junk food sells, how can you be healthy in Nairobi?

    Every now and then, we have a Damascus moment where realize we have been consuming unhealthy food. We need more whole meal, vitamins, less sodium, fewer fats and oils and a better diet. At this time, restaurants in Nairobi are not the most conducive places to grab a treat. The food options are limited on the menus. People on meal plans are advised not to eat out. Meal preparations at home becomes the order of the day. However, restaurants need to cater to the rising demographic of people who wish to lead healthy lifestyles. Kenyan restaurants however are moving at a staggering pace. So, ‘What Makes Junk Food Sell in…

  • Restaurants

    Coffee Casa, Parklands

    When I saw pictures of Coffee Casa a while back I knew it was a restaurant I wanted to try. The ambience is such a selling point from the pictures alone. We decided to give it a shot on Valentine’s Day and see if Instagram matches reality. About Coffee Casa A home away from home. We do everything with love and focus on making you feel good! Come and enjoy our great food, milkshakes, perfectly brewed coffees & more. Source Location The restaurant is located in Parklands, specifically Third Parklands Avenue on Mezzanine floor on Doctor’s Park. The closest landmark is Aga Khan Hospital. An Uber to the location is…

  • Explore,  Places,  Restaurants

    Giraffe Centre, Nairobi

    You probably remember Giraffe Centre from your old school trips if you studied at any school in Kenya. It was some kind of pre-primary/ middle school domestic tourist destination. And we were hella excited to go there! You may not remember much about it from then so let’s take a small tour and see if you miss it. The spot is one for nature lovers. It’s a place you just go and hang out, enjoy the view, learn about giraffe’s and feed them. It’s very chill and in case you’re going there with company make sure it’s the kind of place they would hang out. Giraffe Centre is located in…

  • Random stories,  Short Stories

    Dinner guide feature

    A couple of months ago a friend of mine whatsapped me asking if I’d like to feature on a show. I said why not (because half the time these things don’t materialize) but in this blogging life you just keep the faith. And months later it paid off. I was skeptical when I got the call but after sharing my location and doing my homework we gave it a shot and went for it. (Always share your location when you’re not sure! And it helps to always talk to boda guys around the area they will always validate if where you’re going is a legit place. If they don’t know…

  • Explore,  Places

    Kenya National Archives, Nairobi

    We live in a world where everyone is more aware of their history, a generation that knows that history can’t just be from the victors point of view. We want to know more, because we don’t just take what we are told, we poke holes and look at it from a new perspective then, we make a decision on whether to believe something as the gospel truth. This may apply to some of us. Others are okay with the textbook explanation. The one that says this person is superior to the next. Or if you have to fight for something then you are changing the status quo; and it’s not…

  • Short Stories

    Chronicles of Mafia II

    Still haven’t read part 1? Click here before you continue…. “I really thought that it would work, that putting myself out there would be the best thing to do, and that Kimberly would forgive me and give me another chance.” Kieran darted a look at me, and returned his gaze on the highway, he was seemingly irked by my confession and he scoffed at me. He proceeded to clear his throat, just like he had done in the coffee shop six months ago before I had my epiphany. I could feel the lecture pitter-patter on his lips, ready to be unleashed. “You don’t have issues Joe, sometimes it works, sometimes…