Pretty face
I have this always smiling face
I meet people once and the second time we meet they are like, ‘oh yeah the lady who is always smiling’
I like that
It’s not a bad thing
It definitely isn’t
But aside from the pretty smile or pretty face that I value, I don’t want that to define me
I don’t want to be another pretty pleasant face, no…
It’s not bad to recognize it, don’t get me wrong, I personally like when compliments my features and I’m no feminist but I dont think the features should be the end, it shouldn’t be that she’s ‘just another pretty face’
It’s horrid
If I get a job I hope to God it’s not because my dress is hugging my thighs close enough but rather because someone sees the resourcefulness in me (I know you’ll say we are to blame for the dressing but that’s a post for another day that I hereby promise
In the meantime…
I don’t know about you,
But I don’t want to be objectified by society, it happens, a lot actually… Send her because she’s pretty, when we go out wear a short dress instead of jeans, he prefers women who wear heels instead of flats,
There’s no problem with specific preference, and we are human in our own way, and we do judge by appearance,
I just hope and pray my appearance won’t be all someone will see of me
I don’t want to just be another pretty face, heck I don’t spend restless nights studying for my future job only for my employer not remember my name and refer to me as the girl with the pretty face or nice smile
And sometimes we don’t know when we are objectifying someone
Many are the times we see someone’s makeup and that’s the foundation of how we know them (see what I did there)
But don’t let it be the totality of how you know someone especially the men to the ladies
We ‘the millenials’ are so okay with captivating shallow relationships based on money, cars, big boobs, ass and the like. We have objectified everything
If he doesn’t drive I won’t date him, if she doesn’t have a bright future behind her I won’t date her
For what it’s worth in my humble opinion I say, let’s look beyond what we see and get out of these shallowness of mind. You can only know how sexy a person is not by the size of their ass but the abilities of their brain and passion of their hearts in every which way.
I may not agree with feminists on some things but I agree that we young women deserve a lot more than being objectified and to a greater extent so do the men.