Samuel Kinyagia – Body Art and Creative Make-Up Artist
Art is timeless, endearing and uncontainable. It exists in forms that we get to appreciate every day. Today we talk to Samuel Kinyagia on body art and how this is a genre about to take over the modern forms of art.
What inspired you to become a body and creative make-up artist?
My art journey started when I was a kid, I used to draw and paint and even get in trouble cause I used the wrong book or wrong medium for it, then went to high school and found art as a subject there, at first I like it but I hated painting cause I didn’t get it then but I guess I had to get a hang of it. Once I was done with school things just worked themselves out.
What inspired me is the fact that I had the skill and didn’t utilize it so I took a go at it and it has been the best decision ever.
Historically, is body art innately African or is it something we borrowed from the West?
Bodyart is actually all African, it’s just that guys haven’t given it a chance so they tend to say it’s borrowed from the west cause they embrace it more compared to us.

Having worked as a Makeup artist for Spell Cast Media and being exposed to a number of creatives, how has this helped you improve your skill?
Spellcast is my family and it’s taught me the different techniques that I’ve acquired in terms of professionalism, how to work with a big number and how to handle my brand, that’s why I’m very grateful to Spellcast.
Which project at the moment is your favourite creation?
Come to think about it all my projects are the most memorable to me because I treasure each and everyone as a milestone and a step to greatness.
The body is your canvas as an artist and you are able to create beauty from it. What have you learnt about it from your experience?
Well the fact that the body is an element that people take lightly but it can tell a story through many ways, in emotion and expression, so I’ve come to value it as my medium.

The media has severally been the victim of selling an ‘ideal’ body type. Do you think they are at fault to sell an image?
The media is such a tricky place if your agenda is to just sell your art cause not everyone will like it and it’s not by fault but that’s just how it is, so for social media one needs to sell a brand before anything else, show guys your journey and how this started and how it’s progressing and from there you can create networks.
What would you say is the future of body art?
The future of body art is big and unspeakable things are to come that’s why I’m happy to be a part of this amazing skill.
Is cosplay an area of interest you have as a body artist?
Cosplay is more on the costume aspect but there are characters that need body art for it to come to life, so yes it is an interesting area I’d love to work in.
How do you keep your creativity flowing with new ideas?
I won’t lie that I’m all creatively blessed but one thing I do is surround myself with as much creativity as I can, and practice cause for me to prefect my skill I need to practice, so yeah keep practicing and it will pay.

In your view is the genre of body art something Kenyans appreciate?
The genre of body art is widely spread, so you’ll meet different people that will identify it as face painting for kids and others would really genuinely appreciate the skill, so its not that appreciated but Kenyans are opening up to the form of art.
What does the future look like for you as an artist?
I can’t predict my future but what I’d say is the fact that I’ve come this far is the grace of God and the sacrifices and hard work I’ve put in, so I know greater things are about to happen.
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Love Glynis
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