Your Story

Anne Njoroge – Redefined Gospel

I met Anne in 2017 while at Kenya Model United Nations in the ICJ bureau. The next year we worked together she, the President of the International Court of Justice and I, Secretary General. The thing about her is she’s not your ordinary lady. I dare say she is an overachiever and I greatly admire her for it. She has a YouTube channel that you should all subscribe to but first here’s how our chat went.

1. Redefined gospel, your YouTube channel helps people thrive in Christ. What inspired you to start it?

Okay, this is a whole story book … haha.

I initially had a podcast that went by the name Redefined Podcast (I hosted it on Sound Cloud and Anchor), the inspiration then was the call in Matthew 28: 19-20 where Jesus was instructing his Disciples that they should go and make disciples, this was after I had attended the Commission conference, 2017 in Kabarak University organized by FOCUS (Fellowship of Christian Unions).

That is when I heard the call so clear but I did not know what exactly I was to do to execute this God-given assignment. So I started by doing images with music on Instagram (deleted them later), then sent audios of me preaching/teaching on WhatsApp then finally podcasting.

While I was shooting a promo video with a friend, Brian Foughts, he suggested that I should try YouTube with the same goal, took a while to decide but finally I got into YouTube with the same mission …. To link the word of God to the contemporary times and ensure we thrive in Christ (THE BIBLE AND THE WORD OF GOD IS STILL RELEVANT TODAY!). I also noticed that there were not so many Kenyan/African Christian YouTubers hence I felt that I was getting into an unexplored niche in the space.

2. What a normal day in your life involve from morning to evening?

Since February, I joined the Kenya School of Law and got the afternoon class. So I would wake up at 4am, Study the Bible or just get right into the law books and study the Bible in the evening, I prepare and go for group discussions, class and then a jog in the evening with my friends. Whenever I have a video to edit, I would do it in the evening and also since my followers are on my platforms most at 6pm and 9pm, then interact and share content. Saturdays most times would be the days I batch film then Sunday would be a flexible day but I would often plan my film meetings then (That is the pre-corona version).

Right now I am up at 7am, I then do my Bible Study and then if it’s a Monday or Friday, I will edit and post my IG TV Videos and if it’s Tuesday, a TikTok video. I then study two law units (Kenya School of Law Student still hahaha), then by 1 pm am done with school work. Some days I have firm/friends zoom calls in the afternoon, other days in the afternoons I plan, create or edit YouTube or Instagram content or doing some Script Writing job, then at 6pm I work out 4 times a week and use the evening to read a book or unwind by watching Series like Selina then YouTube / Showmax as I insta story sometimes.

3. Which Bible verses have gotten you through tough times that you’d want to share with everyone?

Two verses…

“Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.”

Philippians 1:6

This gives me confidence that even when it is tough, God will always bring the good work to completion. So even if I feel like things are not as rosy, as long as am in God’s purpose, will and assignment, I know that he will bring it to completion and fulfill the purpose in me.

“And we know all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to his Purpose”.

Romans 8:28

Even when the rough tides do not make sense, this verse gives me the hope that everything works for good and that the rough seasons are preparing and teaching me and they serve a purpose as long as am doing the purpose God has set out for me. Bottom-Line-God always means good.

4. The You Version App has numerous benefits in making it easier to read your Bible. What’s your current streak and which Bible plan are currently reading?

Yes, the You Version App is a great tool for Bible Study. Hehehe, I don’t know my current streak nor am I on any Bible Plan. This year I am doing the Bible in One Year Challenge where I plan to Study the whole Bible this year. So I Study 3 Chapters a day, currently in the Book of 1st Chronicles.

However, in the previous years, I was on You Version and I enjoyed the following Bible plans: Comparison Trap and God & Goals; my streaks were not so great as I was struggling with consistency and in the few times I logged in into the app, I would just read the verse of the day without an in-depth Bible Study with some Bible plan here and there.

However, accountability and relying on God for strength has gone a long way in keeping me consistent and seeking God more this year.

5. You recently read, We’re Gonna Need More Wine by Gabrielle Union she writes; ‘Here’s to being afraid and doing it anyway.’ What fears and reservations have you had in the YouTube space and how did you overcome them?

My greatest fear is and has been not making an impact in anyone’s lives and that makes me self-conscious about what exactly I am posting. I am learning to do what is in my control – Pray to God for conviction on what I am to post, create to my level best then post, the Holy Spirit will then do his work.

Also the fear of failure, not growing in the platform. I have overcome this by concentrating on doing what is in my control.

In terms of what I post, I have been very conscious about being vulnerable but then again when there is need to be and I am convicted that my vulnerability may be of help to someone – I just do it. Sometimes I even re-think when the video is already posted and I have been tempted to delete, thank God for the Holy Spirit!

6. Which Christians YouTubers do you look up to?

First on the list, Crowned in Faith Channel by Nia Cerise, this girl is a powerhouse, so bold about speaking about the uncomfortable Kingdom truths and she is such an evangelist! – I pray for such boldness.

Secondly would be Coffee and Bible Time ran by two sisters, they have such a specific niche – Bible Study and they are doing so well, they even have a separate channel for vlogs – Coffee Girls.

Thirdly, Morgan Tracy J, her consistency and craft!! – she focuses on Women on her Wednesday Women Chat and on Sundays she has general videos.

Then definitely Leah Essence, her personality is everything. John B Christ brings in humor and the word of God!

Here in Kenya – Esther Kazungu for her creativity! Anastashia Ng’ang’a her realness and Christ’s Affection by Valentine the Writer her work speaks for itself and her boldness too weeh! I however feel that there are not so many Christian YouTubers in Kenya or maybe I am yet to discover them.

7. You’ve previously said you felt like giving a perfect picture of your YouTube channel. What challenges and expectations have you overcome in your journey as a Christian YouTuber?

Oh yes I did say that, in terms of quality I have always felt like I need to be perfect in quality and in reality, you just grow with time and finances too. Once I got the hang of some things like the perfect thumbnails, lighting my videos better, I felt like I needed to delete the previous videos and seem perfect which is so unrealistic. I want someone to come to my page and see the growth, the process – because you just don’t get there.

The biggest challenge that I still face is not diluting the Word of God and still keeping up with trends so that my content is still well-packaged and it is presentable and at the same time it remains true to the course. I am also alive to the fact that people have the Word of God on their phones as apps, churches online, so the challenge has been how to make the content fresh and relatable mostly to the youths. I have overcome this by constantly researching on how to package my work, seeing what other Christian YouTubers who are doing well are doing and engaging with the analytics to see what my audience is more inclined to.

On expectations, they are mostly internal, sometimes I over expect from myself and when I do not achieve those expectations, I sulk. I am learning to manage my expectations and also to make my goals more realistic. I do not therefore target views, subscriber count … I target audience retention most times (so here I am working on my delivery so I retain people longer on my videos), quality content in terms of packaging and tech stuff – again something that I can control.

So views, the subscriber count comes as a result of me doing that which was in my control that is, quality and delivery so people have a reason to subscribe and view. As long as I did my best to deliver the content, it’s all good for me.

8. You share very encouraging quotes on your page, what’s your manta that keeps you going every day?

When I die and get to meet God on judgement day, I want to be called “A good and faithful servant”, that makes me more intentional to my purpose of being a vessel of hope. There is so much hope in God! the salt and the light of the World through what I post.

I also remind myself of the fact that since I am still alive, God is not yet done with me, so I keep going!

9. Friends and family are a major force in your life. How do they support you and encourage you in your journey?

My family is just the best! My parents were key in supporting me to get my very first vlogging equipment – the phone, tripod and ring light. They ALWAYS watch my videos and mum does such a good job at always commenting on my content. I recall when I had issues with the internet while uploading they put up a hotspot for me, regularly check the upload for me in the night (as I would leave my laptop in their room or the sitting room to upload), they are so hands on. My dad will always tell people in social gatherings to subscribe to my channel. My two brothers help me with filming with the little one always borrowing our phones to watch my content and always asking me when the next one would be. I am grateful to God for such a supportive and amazing fam!

My friends and especially my inner circle always cheer me on, watch my content and agree to appear on my videos. They simply are my cheerleaders, they will occasionally send me texts affirming me of my work and I thank God for them!

10. From your Lamu vlog, you shared that you’re terrified of boats, having gone through it do you think you’ve overcome your fear?

No, I haven’t sadly, I think it increased a little bit. However, I think I am now relaxed while boarding a boat but when the ride starts – terrible! I had a 4-hour Boat Ride in a speed boat to Kiwayu Island in very high tide, cruising over high waves and getting wet. It is definitely not my cup of tea but I would still do it if I HAVE TO…. haha.

11. It’s easy to assume you’re a travel junky having been to Johannesburg in South Africa; Dubai in the UAE; Paris, Obernai & Strasbourg in France all in one year. How did you get to travel so much?

Travel junky is such a big word hahaha, but travel is one of the things I love to do and hope to do more. In all those instances, I had travelled because of school-related stuff … Moot Court Competitions so in South Africa I was participating in the Prize Media Moot All Africa Moot Court Competition on the area of ICT law and the legal issues that exist when it comes to social media and fake news. In France, I was participating in the Jean Pictet Moot Court Competition bringing in law students from across the world – it was on the area of International Humanitarian Law. Dubai was brief as it was just a layover as we waited for the flight to Paris.

12. From you trip to France which city did you enjoy visiting?

Strasbourg as I got to explore it for a number of hours before taking the train to the Paris Charles de Gauelle Airport. It was not as busy, pretty chilled and it has a beautiful city scenery.

Maybe I would love Paris more based on the hype around it, too bad I only saw their airport.

13. Seeing that you’re studying at the Kenya School of Law and working at the same, how do you plan your YouTube content and remain consistent?

I normally have a pool of ideas in an excel sheet on my computer for like 2 months in advance or even more depending on my creative juices. Then once in a month, I go to the CDI Gadgets studio to record between 5-9 videos in advance, I then edit them in advance and schedule, though at times I edit a day to the upload date but I find it all fine since I have the footage anyway which is the most important thing.

Batch filming does work for me, then for travel vlogs and casual vlogs, I just schedule them on my content calendar accordingly. Discipline is also key to remaining consistent and this at times calls for late nights as I edit amidst all the school and work

14. What tips would you give to anyone wanting to start a Christian YouTube Channel?

First of all, if you want to start then that probably means there is a call on you for that so Just Start! Do not wait to be perfect, preparing and waiting for things to be perfect, you are perfected by the process, waiting to have it all figured out will NEVER perfect you. Once you start, you get better at it, step by step.

Secondly, know that being a Christian YouTuber is a Ministry in itself so always rely on the leading of the Holy Spirit to guide you in the process so you are not doing God’s work without him – that’s tragic! This is God’s work! Grow your personal devotion with God, it flows to your content but never get into the habit of ALWAYS reading the Word of God in aim to get content, it robs you off growing yourself in God. Simply jumping into teaching is dangerous, even Ezra studied the Word of God first, practiced the Word of God and then taught it (Ezra 7:10).

Thirdly, our God is an excellent God so as you create be excellent, always do your level best. The Gospel is not the most popular thing so how you package your content goes a long way – research, and constantly sharpen your skills.

Finally, once you start, things will fall in place so FEAR NOT!

15. How have contemporary times challenged the sharing of the word of God in your view?

First of all, the conventional ways of sharing the Word of God are no longer effective – with the coming of the era of the digital age. Crusades and conventions are not as effective. It is much more effective to use the digital platform to share the Word of God.

This has however had its fair share of challenges such as the fact that there is a lot of information, false doctrines, and navigating and being authentic is quite a challenge. Also, in the digital space, people follow what they like, it is not automatic that they will listen to you hence the challenge of being relevant, staying true to the Word and being appealing at the same time comes into play.

Secondly, the contemporary times have come with new things which did not exist in the times of David or Isaiah and there is that question of how does this even relate to God’s word. The truth is that the Word of God is timeless; the principles and the answers we seek are all found in the Bible. Therefore, while sharing the Word of God in these contemporary times, a keen look and consideration into the current circumstances and looking into the underlying principles in the Bible is paramount hence my channel … REDEFINED GOSPEL – Linking the Word of God to the contemporary times and ultimately ensuring that we thrive in Christ!

This interview was a lot of fun! Subscribe to Anne’s YouTube channel here check her out on IG here drop her an email to say hi on

Have a great day and remember to keep safe! Recommend someone for this segment by dropping me an email on Don’t forget to follow me Instagram here like my Facebook Page here and subscribe to my YouTube channel here

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