Short Stories

The Sunshine Blogger Award

I would like to thank Jackey Nkonge  for nominating me for this award. She is an profound blogger who loves life, books, good food, writing, and all things black. She has a beautiful smile and a warm countenance and I am so glad I got to know her on my blogging journey last year. You can check out their blog here.

Sunshine Blogger Award Rules:

  1. Thank the person who nominated you and provide a link back to their blog.
  2. Answer the 11 questions asked by the person who nominated you.
  3. Nominate 11 people and ask them 11 new questions.
  4. Notify the nominees by commenting on one of their posts.
  5. List the rules and display the Sunshine Blogger Award in your post.

The Sunshine Blogger Award is given to bloggers by other bloggers who are creative, positive, and inspiring.

1. When did you start blogging?

I started blogging in July 2015 my first year in Law School as a way to continue what I was doing in my high school journalism club.

2. How did you feel when launching your site?

Honestly, I was tired. I remember thinking I was just glad it was up at that exact moment because I had spent hours trying to pick the perfect theme; perfect color; perfect tagline all coupled with the worry of who would read my work.

3. What was your first post about?

I cannot remember, haha it’s been that long. Anyway after checking on this it is a post titled “ That Something Extra” it was my first post on wordpress because I had previously tried out Tumbler and realized I had to move. The post is on how (amid so many emojis) we all want what we can’t have and the more we get the more we want. The conclusion, life is more than a rat race, it’s about understanding you are okay as you are.

4. Did you after some time change it? Why?

No I didn’t, I think I just loved the place I was at the time and the fact that I was blogging whilst using emojis and mixing English and sheng and including commentary I the post. I like that I was green and I have grown and having gone back to that post as I write this I wouldn’t change a thing.

5. How do you contribute through blogging to make the world a better place?

The tagline on my blog is “everyone you meet has something to teach you.” I believe in people, so much so that I have a segment on a blog called Your Story dedicated to telling the amazing story of Kenyans for the sake of posterity. I think telling positive stories about people and their wins other than spreading gossip that brings people down makes our world better.

6. How do you find inspiration to write?

There’s really no formula, sometime’s I’ll be in bed at 3:00am and feel the need to write on something, I could have a conversation with someone, attend a class, watch a movie, you name it. Inspiration is everywhere.

However, when inspiration isn’t forth coming I try to plan topics, features and reviews in advance.

7. Who motivates you when you feel like quitting?

My family and close friends. They remind me that even though I feel like no one is reading, we do the things we do first for us, then for others. That’s the best advice I’ve had while on this journey!

8. How do you handle negative comments?

I ignore them. I however accept positive criticism where there’s a point to be made without malice, which is difference from someone who just wants to fight you on the internet.

9. Your favorite time spent?

With close family and friends; in a restaurant trying a new meal; reading a new book filled with wonder; watching a sitcom while eating; reading something that blows my mind; writing; travelling somewhere new; filming for content… I could go on and on but basically I lawyer who writes, loves good food, enjoys books and can’t wait to explore the world.

10. Your favorite people to spend time with?

With my immediate family and very close friends.

11. Your favorite place?

Currently my study area is doing just fine but I also love my youtube channel here. I like the growth and the fact that I was bold enough to put myself out there.


  1. Gachambi Nderitu is such a powerful female. I admire how unapologetic and unfiltered she is. her blog challenges me to stand a little taller and she has so much to offer!
  2. Susan Maj Maina of Beyond Susan is another amazing blogger, her writing is so poetic and unfiltered. You can feel the love oozing to you.
  3. David Ochola of wardrobe chronicles the tagline alone of this blog always has me thinking. It says know who you are then dress accordingly. It’s a great space for style inspiration of every season!
  4. Sayo Nandai on Cradle of Hope who writes about faith and christianity so candidly. She inspires and nurtures my spirituality through her blog and I appreciate her.
  5. Tuzo Jonathan of Sport Addict Ke is an amazing runner I featured in my blog last year. He inspires me to get out there and make an effort every single day building on what I already have. His 10km challenge for 30 days was inspiring!
  6. Brian Kimotho is one of the funniest people I have met. He cracks my ribs every time I read his work.
  7. Miss Beautifully Flawed of Eternal Sunshine is a favorite. She shares so much sunshine and radiates so much positivity and self love that we all need.
  8. Tony Muigai of Kent’s Chronicles I am such a huge fan of Kents chronicles, the mastery of language, the skill of building suspense and just the ability to have you hooked. He is such a talented write I feel I ought to demand a book
  9. Tuja May of Kwanza of All this is a much needed blog that is unapologetic about having conversations that were taboo in society. There is so much to learn and properly conceptualise from Tuja.
  10. Elvis Wakaba of Legal Analytica I have so much respect for Elvis, he does a great deal of research on legal issues and shares them on his blog to make sure you have top notch legal information that is so admirable. A great Advocate is going to be born of him
  11. Njeru Maina of Roat Njeru’s is such ad admirable human, so calm and collected who always finds ways to surprise you. This blog unfolds such a personal side to him you can’t help but overindulge.

For inquiries, email me at, if you like this content support your girl by following me on my socials: Instagram here, Facebook Page here and subscribe to my YouTube channel here it goes a long way.

Thank you for stopping by, hope to see you soon!

Love Glynis

In case you are new to the blog my name is Glynis Maina, this blog is my canvas and for more restaurant reviews, please subscribe to my mailing list below and never miss a post.

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