Lake Elementaita, Nakuru County
Over the past weekend we had a chance to make a small getaway to Nakuru County and enjoy the magnificent views of Lake Elementaita alongside great vibes, learning how to play soft archery, a steam bath a little too much swimming.
We spent the weekend at Sirville Lake Elementaita Lodge. The spot was recommended by a member of our team and let’s just say it was a bittersweet experience.
We got the full board package that is Ksh. 13,500 for twin rooms that serve two. A private room for full board goes for Ksh. 10,000. Booking was done by directly calling the lodge. No booking.com or agents were involved. When there we were assigned some cottages that I definitely recommend with a beautiful view of the lake.

While here, some of the free activities include soft archery, bike riding (more like scooters), swimming, there is a furnished gym and an instructor for water aerobics upon request not forgetting a bonfire at night. You may decide to pay for a steam bath at the cost of Ksh 800 for two for a 45-minute session.

Aside from this parking is available, the rooms have hot water from boilers installed at the cottages and they offer 4:00 o’clock tea.

As I mentioned, it was a bittersweet experience. The food on the first day was not the best, it was not great at all. We had pork with soup, even my Kikuyu self couldn’t comprehend this. The diversity at the buffet was lacking and my vegan colleague barely had much to pick from. The cakes served during the 4 pm tea was dry and barely adequate. We had also requested mbuzi choma which was meh, but the matumbo they prepared was decent. Unfortunately, some of us ended up having stomach trouble.
After complaints, they levelled up their game and served some great roasted potatoes during the bonfire and fried meat that was an upgrade. The next day the breakfast was amazing with various options from sausages, baked beans, eggs, fruits, bread coffee, tea and the like. The lunch buffet offered better diversity and was generally tastier than the previous day.

What to look out for
The sunsets were the most magical part of the experience, the view by the lake watching the sun come down leaves you thinking of how magnificent the world is. It makes you realize that despite what is happening, the sun sets and rises every morning giving you a fresh start. The view can be enjoyed from the bonfire of from your room the cottages are inclined to allow you to have an amazing view.
You will also enjoy being outside the city, which is something I am always down for. Time moves a bit slower. The cell service is not that great so you won’t be glued to a screen during your stay. The WiFi works well but I don’t recommend carrying work on this trip, leave it all and go enjoy yourself. Take a breather and appreciate the beauty that Kenya has to offer.
For inquiries, email me at info@glynismaina.co.ke, if you like this content support your girl by following me on my socials: Instagram here, Facebook Page here and subscribe to my YouTube channel here it goes a long way.
Thank you for stopping by, hope to see you soon!
Love Glynis
In case you are new to the blog my name is Glynis Maina, this blog is my canvas and for more places to explore in Kenya, please subscribe to my mailing list below and never miss a post.