Klein Nettoh – Storyteller
Kenyan creatives have some of the best talent in the world. I look at my social media and marvel and how much there is out here. One of the page’s I came across is Klein’s in October last year. He tells stories about Africa, Being on his Instagram will have you feeling like you’ve traveled the continent especially now when we don’t have the chance to.
As you read this my only tip is tap the links, they give context to the answers and if you can, read this on your desktop computer or tablet.
1. Storytelling is your forte, as you tell the stories of all that is around you, what story of you should we remember?
Showing the world the other side of Africa, the beautiful side of Africa and how rich we are.

2. What inspired you to get into the photography and film making arena?
Am inspired by how rich and unique Africa is so I use photography and film to tell stories about this place I call home.

3. Your films capture various African Cultures from Morocco, Tanzania, Ghana, Nigeria, Malawi and even Ethiopia. With this exposure how do you ensure you capture the diversity of all these people?
Most of the time I spend time with the people before I start shooting or filming, I get to connect and know more about a people, a culture or a place, this gives me a story line and information to work with.

4. What lessons have you learnt from interacting with African cultures that you feel most people overlook?
I’ve picked so many lessons but the one that is almost everywhere is
everyone everywhere basically wants the same thing
As vastly different as the African cultures are, interacting with Nigerians, Ghanaians, homeless Malawians, fishermen along the Congo river and the Omo people of Ethiopia, in their own languages, you start to see that we are all incredibly alike where it matters.
Everyone just wants validation, love, security, enjoyment and hopes for a better future.
The way they verbalize this and work towards it is where things branch off, but we all have the same basic desires. You can relate to everyone in the world if you look past the superficial things that separate you.

5. How do you pick music for your films that evokes emotion and such great inspiration?
I usually pick/record sounds from where am shooting and then incorporate with slow cinematic tracks on post-production or editing. (You’ll love this)

6. Which brands have you worked with and how have they been an avenue to make money through film?
I’ve worked with a couple of brands locally and internationally, since they hire me to make for them content in return they pay or cater for my expenses.

7. You’ve shot amazing Kenyan films opening up parts of the country to us. If you got to work with magical Kenya, what project would you pitch to them?
Butterfly flies up north (here)
Its one of my project where I focused on the northern side of Kenya and showcasing how unique and beautiful this region is.

8. Upon travelling through quite a bit of the country, which spots are a must visit for every Kenyan.
Elgon escapments
Just to mention a few spots.

9. Of the various projects you’ve worked which are you most proud of?
- Water for Maasai, where I was documenting the lives of Maasai women and the struggles they undergo to get water.
2. Photographing the disappearing tribes of the world the Omo people.
3. Travel Kenya filming Kenyan landscapes from the sky.

10. You previously shared a quote, ‘Go where you most feel alive,’ where is this for you?
To be honest it is hard to settle for a specific location since everywhere in Africa has its own type of magic.
11. What’s the craziest filming experience you’ve had?
Filming the Pokot cattle raiders where we raided the neighbouring community the Karamajong, they were shocked I came back alive

12. What challenges have you experienced in the filming business?
Misinterpretation of art or the story behind the film.
13. On a filming day which equipment will you use to develop the final product?
Definitely my Nikon camera, two/three lenses, a drone for aerials and the software premier pro.

14. You’ve shot quite a bit wildlife in your adventures, which animals have been the most interesting to experience in their natural habitat?
Haha everyone know me as ule msee wa mandovu elephants any day all day.
You’ve captured numerous stories from the boy who could stay in school because of bee keeping, to the nomads of the north who are on the move everyday and even the story of generation equality on rights of women among the Chibok girls to mention a few. How have these stories changed your perspective of life?
They have changed my perspective, made me more grateful for life and always appreciate it.
Appreciation is the greatest prayer and the greatest magnet of better things to come. As we all advance in age, we appreciate the things we have in life more including lessons learnt.

The earlier you adapt to an attitude of gratitude the more you become enlightened to integrate this in your daily life, thus the more you’ll be able to live in the present and be grateful for what makes your life worthwhile―no matter how small it feels to be appreciated.
Getting to interview someone with so much wisdom, talent and depth was an amazing honor. If you haven’t followed him on Instagram by now here is the link subscribe to his YouTube channel here and share the word!
Don’t be shy and say hi! Drop me an email on info@glynismaina.co.ke. Don’t forget to follow me Instagram here like my Facebook Page here and subscribe to my YouTube channel here